I have no idea who the guy is. Is he famous? I doubt it. Anyway, I got some info for dates of the tour with Jello/Melvins. It starts at Seattle on Nov. 2nd. LA shows will be on Nov. 16th at Henry Fonda Theater.
I just joined in a band, called Altamont. We just finished making new album which will be released on Nov. 1st. Also Jello Biafra with the Melvins will realease their 2nd album, "Sieg Howdy!" I mixed most of songs from the album and I and Dale Crover (behind the keyboard in the picture) from the Melvins made a production unit called Deaf nephews and remixed a song for the album. Please check those out! In the picture, form right Dan Southwick - Bass, Sasha Popovich - Durms, Dale Crover - Guitar Vocal, and me. http://www.antacidaudio.com/altamont_bio.html http://www.alternativetentacles.com/product.php?product=1164&sd=r5xDmwyaNpzIg6UYLxS
Hello! people on earth! This is my living room with musical instruments. From left bottom, there are three keyboards. They are my circuit bendings, called Space Kawasaki, Yamaha Silver Head, and the Big Blue. Right next to the Big Blue, there is a small box. That is my hand made guitar effect, T-Fuzz. I've used those a lot for recordings.