Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Project Serce-Field Recording part 1

Peter M. and I went out for recording sounds from outside of the boxes. Junkyard was our first target. I know Peter Gabriel did this more than 20 years ago. But we like those sounds as well, so why not? He is too rich to this again anyway. There will be another field recording soon.

By the way, we called our project called "Serce." Serce means a heart in Polish. We are not a copy band of the two lady band from Seattle. We will try to put a song or two up on our Myspace pretty soon.

In Poland, they have been talking about us already. News 1, News 2. Check it out later!

Friday, April 04, 2008

April and May

I've been working with

Big Business


In next two months, I will be working with

White Shit,

Tweak Bird,

Soul Brand,

Red Sparowes,

Nerd Table,

and Deaf Nephews.

Totimoshi's new album, Milagrosa will be out on July 7th.

Melvins' Nude With Boots will be out on July 8th.

Check them out!!!!